ME: My 2017 has been quite extreme.
FRIEND: Take the rest of January off.
There's a reason I have not posted lately, and that reason is my weird-ass beginning of 2017. I got a bad fever on New Year's Eve and then, after blood tests taken couple of days later for the temperature not getting down even with medication, I was taken into hospital. They don't know what was wrong with me but something definitely was as my stats were just crazy. I was there for almost five days.
At least I got an extra week of 'holiday' (aka just getting better). I didn't go to my exam today. I haven't finished my essays, deadlines were last week. But hey, it will be all fine. The most important thing is that I will actually get well because this. has. not. been. fun. Being this passive makes me just sad and useless.
A very good thing that has happened though is me discovering Please Like Me. I've heard good things about the show before and my friend very strongly recommended it to me, but in the hospital I had to get Netflix to not die of boredom so I finally actually started watching it. It's gloriously funny and I might never have felt such a connection to a fictional character as I feel with the main character Josh. He's like me on some deep level. please like me please please please please please????
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